About This Site

     Every day thousands of women and children are snatched and kidnapped. Through the use of force, bribery, and coercion they are thrown into the trafficking business. After being snatched or kidnapped, they are then sold into a sex slave trade and forced to perform various sexual activities. It is a terrible crime that many people, including corrupt government officials, participate in. Many people all around the world are not aware that this happens all the time. This site was created to raise awareness about human trafficking and spotlight two major consequences of this rising problem. Human trafficking is becoming a growing business all over the world, and in the process, it is destroying families and bringing down communities.

Goals of This Website:
1. To inform people that human trafficking is happening all of the time and that it does not just happen in other countries. It happens in the United States as well.

2. To show people that there are ways we can slow down, if not prevent, human trafficking.

3. Expose some of the inside workings of human trafficking and some corrupt governments that have a hand in it.

With this website, I hope to gain the attention of women and young adults. They are the major targets of traffickers along with children. I also seek to gain the attention of government officials and police officers. With their help, many children and women can be spared the terrible fate of being kidnapped and forced into the trafficking business.

 Noew, Jeremy. "    YouTube- Modern Slavery - Human Trafficking  ."     YouTube - Broadcast

Yourself.  . YouTube, 6 Nov. 2008. Web. 25 Apr. 2011.