Many people do not realize it, but human trafficking goes on in and around many neighborhoods in the United States. According to an article published on, “Human trafficking has become a booming business in and around Washington, DC. In the last few months alone, several pimps have been arrested for selling human trafficking victims in the suburbs of Southern Maryland.” After reading this article, I was very shocked and in a state of awe. I could not believe that people were (and still are) trafficked in the very district that I go to school in. My first thought was that this is the capital of the United States for goodness sake. How can such a horrendous activity be going on in the capital of the land of the FREE?! In doing research, I have read about countless organizations, programs, and initiatives started to combat human trafficking in other countries, but what about our own country? Shouldn't the same measures be taken here to combat human trafficking like those taken in other countries?? My answer is YES! I am shocked and embarrassed to find out that trafficking goes on under right under the president of the U.S.'s nose, and I think immediate steps should be taken. As a current resident of Washington, D.C., I am much more cautious and wary when I am walking to the train or bus or the store. I think that every woman and child should be, and I hope reading this blog post opened many people’s eyes. Reading that article sure opened mine, and so everyone can get the full story, I posted the link to the article below.
I am pretty appalled and shocked as well not only as a Howard student, but more so as a citizen from this metropolitan area. The article reported human trafficking charges in Virginia as well, which is where I am originally from, and I must say I had no idea that it was occurring in my own back yard so to speak. It would not be too far-fetched to recognize a connection just because D.C., Maryland, and Virginia are in close proximity to each other and easily accessible. In saying that, each "jurisdiction" does differ in state regulations and laws which may make it a bit more difficult to develop legislation against human trafficking, but it is feasible. I think this is an issue that does not recieve enough attention nor analysis, and that is the reason this modern day slavery is happening right under our noses.