Friday, February 18, 2011

Different Types of Human Trafficking

   According to the Trafficking in Persons Report produced by the Department of State, human trafficking, based on its severity, can be defined in two ways. Sex trafficking happens when a commercial sex act is performed for a ‘customer’ by an enslaved and unwilling victim. It is considered trafficking if the act is induced by force, coercion, or fraud. The age of the victim is also taken into account; persons under the age of 18 are considered child sex slaves. Human trafficking also happens in the form of bonded labor, slavery, involuntary servitude, and peonage, and in each of these cases, the use of force, coercion, and fraud are also applied. The most noted and common type of trafficking happens in the form of sex trafficking.
  As stated earlier, sex trafficking is the capture and enslavement of victims with the use of force, coercion, or fraud. These victims are exploited by their enslavers and forced to perform various sexual
acts. I think this is a very terrible crime. It is both a crime against the individual and against humanity. It is very unethical for human beings to sell other human beings for a profit, and the fact people actually pay to have sex with captured individuals is very sickening. It makes you realize that there really are terrible people in the world that will do anything for money. In doing more research, I found that many people in the United States traffick their own children. The most saddening part about all of this is that many people do not know it is even happening. It is my hope that through this blog many people will become more aware of the problem of human trafficking and help to combat

Clinton, Hillary, and Luis CdeBaca. "Trafficking In Persons Report." U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, June 2009. Web. 18 Feb. 2011


  1. This is so horrible, I believe I saw something on dateline one day about human trafficking , and honestly didn't believe it would be that prevalent in america, but it is actually more common than we all believe because under your definitions many could be in the mist of human trafficking and not know.

  2. I agree with the author, this is a terrible crime. It is morally wrong for individuals to selling their bodies for a profit.

  3. I agree human sex trafficking is a very disturbing thing to accept. This blog post actually reminds me of the movie Taken. If you haven't already seen it, Taken is basically a movie about how a young girl went off to a foreign country with a friend and ended up getting forcefully taken away, against her will, and captured by a group of men who drug her and submerge her into the world of sex trafficking. The main character in the movie is the girl's dad who was a former CIA agent who uses his retired skills to save his daughter. Aside from the obviously fictional storyline, the movie really shows you what the world of sex trafficking looks like and how it is operated. It is a scary thought to know how cruel people can really be. People you may never expect.
